About us



     法定代表人舒新斌, 执业药师、中医世家(舒君堂百年老字号第四代传人)。


     2016年1月份取得SC食品生产许可证, 同年成立润美中医药博物馆。


     2017年被山东省旅游发展委员会评定为 山东省工业旅游示范点; 2月通过了HACCP国际质量认证,可以安排出口注册润美品牌的生产。



     2020年1月获得欧盟FISHERY水产认证。 被济宁市评选为济宁市十大研学旅游基地


     2022年成为济宁市文化产业示范基地, 获得西洋参、灵芝药食同源试点生产许可资质。

     2024年获得GB/T 19001-2016和ISO9001:2015质量管理体系认证。







        Shandong Rosemed Biopharm LLC, 90,000m2 of land for construction: a pharmaceutical grade softgel workshop,   orals workshop of 10 lines for tablets,capsules,granules,powder,herbal tea, Q.C. center  with a total construction area of 32,000 square meters, will make diatery supplements and functional health foods including 5 unique-composition health products in China, benefiting for liver, kidney, tired eyes, immune system,which are made from animals and plants extracts, with latest nanometer micro-processing technology and anti-heatness processing technology, to guarantee the activity of extracts and achieve quick start of healthcare, strong and long-effectiveness. We get technical support from experts of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences for consulting. Rosemed Biopharm aims at the motto of " Our Medi-care product to you is like Rose from us for love."   We plan to become  the best foods supplement, herb-originated health products  research and development engineering center in  China , based on imported production lines, GMP production  workshop and newest processing technology ,modern logistics warehouses, we focus on building a pharmaceutical and healthcare industries Cultural Park combining contract manufacturing, cultural exhibitions in medicine museums, herbal garden, healthy diets, physical inspection and medical care with  diagnosis and treatment equipments. welcome to Rosemed Biopharm for business and experience of TCM culture.